Our marketing team is ready to help you complete your next project or update.

New Project Request

A project is a public-facing, strategic effort intended to advance a specific ministry goal. If you’re not sure, it's probably a project. To get started, select the brand to which this project will belong.

New Event Request

Please complete an event request for any in-person or online events.

Work Order

A work order is a smaller, specific task for which the strategy is already determined.

Booth and table assistance

Help with conference requests

CVENT link

Request an event link (no event support).


General content, video, design request that is not a project.

Speaker assistance

Request support for a NAMB executive speaking at an event.

Vetting request

Request vetting for a person who will publicly represent NAMB or speak at an event.

Website content change

Request a small update to an existing webpage

Single email

Not associated with a campaign

Research request

Ask for internal marketing/IT data, metrics, and reports

Social post

Request a single social media post.

Texting keyword

Request a new 888-123 keyword for your event or campaign

Warehouse item number

Generate a number for use with the FSI inventory system